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Moving in a hurry checklist: the most important things you need to do

What if your dream job offer finally comes through, but it’s in another city and they need you to fill it ASAP. Or maybe there’s an emergency that needs your undivided attention. Either way, you need to move quickly.

Even if you haven’t been in this situation, you probably know how moving can be hectic. Now imagine having to move in a quarter of the time – utter chaos. If a situation has forced your hand, you have to prepare a moving in a hurry checklist, and these are the most important things you need to do.

Moving in a hurry checklist

1. Book a rental truck or moving company

Imagine having done all the hard work packing stuff only to find all rental trucks fully booked. This could be heartbreaking, especially if you are in a rush.

If you have the money, hiring a moving company should massively lessen the stress of the last-minute rush. For those living in Utah and the surrounding states, the best solution would be to hire the number one moving company, Tru Solutions Moving Utah.

2. Make your packing and moving in a hurry checklist

This will map out your game plan. Since you’ll be overwhelmed by the move, you will likely focus on what’s in your line of sight, forgetting important stuff. A moving checklist should help focus and improve productivity as some things have to be done first while others can only be tackled last minute.

3. Utilities

No moving in a hurry checklist can be complete without taking care of the utilities for both your current and new home. Here’s what you need to get on top of:

  • Water
  • Cable
  • Telephone
  • Electricity
  • Gas

That’s not all, as once you’ve called the concerned companies to disconnect or transfer the services from your current home, you may have to call the relevant companies to have the utilities fixed if you’re moving to a new town or city. Take that time to settle all bills to avoid unnecessary charges as you are focusing on moving.

4. Prepare an overnight bag

In the event of any emergency, you may not have the time to unpack your items. Your moving in a hurry checklist should include an overnight bag with all of your essential items. That would mean keeping the following items close:

  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Toiletry
  • Important documents such as ID
  • Medication
  • Work materials
  • Cash

That way, even if you are tired after the move, you won’t have to go hunting after your items until you have more time to unpack and unwind.

5. Get rid of what you don’t need

Now would be the perfect time to do away with what you don’t want. The fewer items you have, the fewer things you have to pack. Sell, give away, or trash unwanted stuff. By doing this, the entire moving process will become a lot easier especially if you are in a hurry.

6. Pack quickly

Sure, you have a moving in a hurry checklist that includes packing order, but you simply don’t have the time for fanciful sorting. As long as you have labels, you should be good to go.

Here are a few last-minute-packing hacks we’ve compiled over the years:

  • Use drawers, cupboards, and other furniture as storage compartments
  • Pack and clear one room before moving to the next, starting with the least used rooms
  • Label packing boxes by rooms
  • Leave clothes on hangers and cover them with trash bags
  • Mix up items in boxes as long as you label them adequately
7. Set up a “done” area

To keep your moving in a hurry checklist accurate and up to date, you have to create a dedicated area where you can consolidate all packed boxes. This will help you pack more effectively and keep your items in order during this stressful time.

To sum up, moving urgently is chaotic. You can minimize the stress by compiling a moving in a hurry checklist to guide the entire process. Booking the services of professional movers such as Tru Solutions Moving Company should significantly lessen the pain.

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